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Levy-Le Pen G.L.40 (type R)
role : light maritime two-seat patrol aircraft, ASW
first flight : operational : November 1917
country : France
design :
production : 100 aircraft
general information :
Used in WWI by the French navy. After WWI it was taken into service on the first airline service in Equatorial Africa. The first flight for the Belgian SNETA was made on 01 July 1920 between Leopoldsville (now Kinshasa , Zaire) and N’Gombe (Congo). On 03 March 1921 the service was extended to Lisala (Congo) and on 01 July 1921 further to Stanleyville ( Kisangani ). The Congo-route was named LARA (Ligne Aerienne Roi Albert). The humid climate made operation difficult, needing constant overhaul of the flying boats. The line was in service till 07 June 1922, a total of 125.000 km flown, 95 passengers and 2000 kg mail carried.
The Levy-Le-Pen boats were also used in Spain and in 1922 5 flew in Frans Guyana
users : France navy, SNETA , Spain, Frans Guyana
crew : 3
armament : 1 movable Lewis 7.70 [mm] (0.303 in) machine-guns
engine : 1 Renault 12Fe liquid-cooled 12 -cylinder V-engine 300.0 [hp](220.7 KW)
dimensions :
wingspan : 18.5 [m], length : 12.4 [m], height : 3.85[m]
wing area : 68.75 [m^2]
weights :
max.take-off weight : 2350 [kg]
empty weight operational : 1450 [kg] bombload : 200 [kg]
performance :
maximum speed : 145 [km/hr] at sea-level
service ceiling : 3500 [m]
estimated action radius : 200 [km]
description :
2½-bay sesquiplane flying boat
airscrew :
fixed pitch 2 -bladed pusher airscrew with max. efficiency :0.64 [ ]
estimated diameter airscrew 3.10 [m]
airscrew revs : 1900 [r.p.m.]
pitch at Max speed 1.27 [m]
blade-tip speed at Vmax and max revs. : 311 [m/s]
calculation : *1* (dimensions)
mean wing chord : 2.48 [m]
calculated wing chord (rounded tips): 2.79 [m]
wing aspect ratio : 7.47 []
estimated gap : 2.00 [m]
gap/chord : 0.81 [ ]
seize (span*length*height) : 883 [m^3]
calculation : *2* (fuel consumption)
oil consumption : 3.3 [kg/hr]
fuel consumption(cruise speed) : 50.2 [kg/hr] (68.5 [litre/hr]) at 164.6 [KW] power
estimated specific fuel consumption (cruise power) : 305 [gram/kwh]
estimated specific oil consumption (cruise power) : 15 [gram/kwh]
distance flown for 1 kg fuel : 2.60 [km/kg]
estimated total fuel capacity : 238 [litre] (175 [kg])
calculation : *3* (weight)
weight engine(s) dry : 313.3 [kg] = 1.42 [kg/KW]
weight 19 litre oil tank : 1.6 [kg]
oil tank filled with 1.7 litre oil : 1.5 [kg]
oil in engine 12 litre oil : 11.0 [kg]
fuel in engine 2 litre fuel : 1.1 [kg]
weight 29 litre gravity patrol tank(s) : 4.4 [kg]
weight radiator : 41.2 [kg]
weight exhaust pipes & fuel lines 25.9 [kg]
weight self-starter : 5.4 [kg]
weight cowling 8.8 [kg]
weight airscrew(s) (wood) incl. boss & bolts : 33.1 [kg]
total weight propulsion system : 446 [kg](19.0 [%])
fuselage skeleton (wood gauge : 8.93 [cm]): 253 [kg]
bracing : 22.1 [kg]
extra dikke bekleding romp voor stevigheid en waterdichtheid vliegboot-romp
fuselage covering (doped linen fabric) : 24.7 [kg]
weight controls + indicators: 8.2 [kg]
weight seats : 9.0 [kg]
weight other details, lighting set, etc. : 5.1 [kg]
weight bomb storage : 14.0 [kg]
weight 209 [litre] main fuel tank empty : 16.0 [kg]
weight engine mount & firewall : 11 [kg]
total weight fuselage : 363 [kg](15.5 [%])
weight wing covering (doped linen fabric) : 47 [kg]
total weight ribs (78 ribs) : 140 [kg]
load on front upper spar (clmax) per running metre : 1030.6 [N]
load on rear upper spar (vmax) per running metre : 407.8 [N]
weight tipfloats : 37 [kg]
total weight 8 spars : 173 [kg]
weight wings : 359 [kg]
weight wing/square meter : 5.23 [kg]
weight wing folding system : 27 [kg]
load on front upper spar (clmax) per bay : 3177.6 [N]
weight 12 struts : 78.8 [kg]
weight cables (92 [m]) : 28.7 [kg] (= 313 [gram] per metre)
diameter cable : 7.2 [mm]
weight fin & rudder (4.0 [m2]) : 21.4 [kg]
weight stabilizer & elevator (6.6 [m2]): 34.9 [kg]
total weight wing surfaces & bracing : 550 [kg] (23.4 [%])
weight machine-gun : 15 [kg]
weight armament : 15 [kg]
weight floats : 37 [kg] (1.6 [%])
calculated empty weight : 1411 [kg](60.1 [%])
weight oil for 3.7 hours flying : 12 [kg]
weight cooling fluids : 46 [kg]
weight ammunition (400 rounds) : 13.6 [kg]
weight signal pistol with cartridges : 3.6 [kg]
calculated operational weight empty : 1487 [kg] (63.3 [%])
published operational weight empty : 1450 [kg] (61.7 [%])
\| | o | |/
weight crew : 270 [kg]
weight fuel for 2.0 hours flying : 100 [kg]
operational weight : 1857 [kg](79.0 [%])
bomb load : 200 [kg]
operational weight bombing mission : 2057 [kg]
fuel reserve : 74 [kg] enough for 1.48 [hours] flying
possible additional useful load : 218 [kg]
operational weight fully loaded : 2350 [kg] with fuel tank filled for 100 [%]
published maximum take-off weight : 2350 [kg] (100.0 [%])
calculation : * 4 * (engine power)
engine total stroke volume (displacement): 17.5 [litre]
mean engine pressure : 29.86 [kg/cm2]
compression ratio : 5.42 : 1
power loading (operational without bombload) : 8.42 [kg/kW]
total power : 220.7 [kW] at 1900 [r.p.m]
power / stroke volume : 12.6 [kW/litre]
calculation : *5* (loads)
manoeuvre load : 3.0 [g] at 1000 [m]
limit load : 3.5 [g] ultimate load : 5.2 [g]
design flight time : 2.45 [hours]
design cycles : 318 sorties, design hours : 780 [hours]
operational wing loading : 265 [N/m^2]
wing stress (3 g) during operation : 152 [N/kg] at 3g emergency manoeuvre
calculation : *6* (angles of attack)
angle of attack zero lift : -1.19 ["]
max.angle of attack (stalling angle) : 13.71 ["]
angle of attack at max.speed : 2.01 ["]
calculation : *7* (lift & drag ratios
lift coefficient at angle of attack 0° :0.10 [ ]
lift coefficient at max. angle of attack : 1.25 [ ]
lift coefficient at max.speed : 0.27 [ ]
induced drag coefficient at max.speed : 0.0041 [ ]
drag coefficient at max.speed : 0.0508 [ ]
drag coefficient (zero lift) : 0.0467 [ ]
calculation : *8* (speeds
stalling speed at sea-level (OW): 67 [km/u]
landing speed at sea-level (OW without bombload): 80 [km/hr]
min.power speed (max endurance) : 85 [km/hr] op 1645 [m](P:81.7 [KW])
min. drag speed (max range) : 112 [km/hr] op 1645 [m] (P:109.9 [KW])
max.rate of climb speed : 87.2 [km/hr] at sea-level
cruising speed : 130 [km/hr] op 1645 [m] (P:148.5 [KW])
design speed prop : 138 [km/hr]
maximum speed : 145 [km/hr] op 100 [m] (P:218 [KW])
climbing speed at sea-level (without bombload) : 247 [m/min]
calculation : *9* (regarding various performances)
take-off distance at sea-level : 202 [m]
lift/drag ratio : 9.71 [ ]
practical ceiling : 5950 [m] with flying weight :1857 [kg]
climb to 1500m (without bombload) : 6.65 [min]
climb to 3000m (without bombload) : 15.62 [min]
published ceiling (3500 [m]) vmin : 79.7 [km/hr] vmax : 136.9 [km/hr]
max.dive speed : 445.9 [km/hr] at 4950 [m] height
load factor at max.angle turn 2.21 ["g"]
turn radius at 500m: 41 [m]
time needed for 360* turn 9.2 [seconds] at 500m
calculation *10* (action radius & endurance)
operational endurance : 3.48 [hours] with 3 crew and 418 [kg] useful (bomb)load and 100.0 [%] fuel
published endurance : 3.07 [hours] with possible useful (bomb) load : 439 [kg]
action radius : 745 [km] with 3 crew and 20[kg] photo camera/radio transmitter or bombload
max range theoretically with additional fuel tanks for total 1078 [litre] fuel : 2054 [km]
useful load with action-radius 250km : 598 [kg]
production : 78.03 [tonkm/hour]
oil and fuel consumption per tonkm : 0.69 [kg]
-°_I /
notes :
Literature :
Jane’s fighting aircraft WWI page 115
Praktisch handboek vliegtuigen deel 2 page 11
Levy-Lepen GL.40 / HB.2 / R (
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last check python : 06 april 2018
(c) B van der Zalm 04 April 2018 python 3.4.1